Urban Tension is a group show that explores the feeling of being in exile from the urban jungle that is our home, and which we are still not used to inhabiting.

As Jean Marià Clezio observes in his book Hai, by creating cities of concrete, asphalt and glass, humans have invented a new jungle of which they are not yet the inhabitants. He suggests that there is no element in the universe that could be seen as artificial – that is to say, the urban panorama is as natural and unrefined as a desert landscape.

Yet, the quality of life in these urban habitats is overwhelmed by a progressive deterioration of architecture and infrastructure. Withal, megalopolises devour vast resources while contributing to the increasing amount of waste and emissions. Not only does it leave a dark stain on the global environment, it also causes physical and emotional tension within people via a chemical reaction triggered by the day-to-day realities of city living. The high population density and frenetic human activity of cities are the foundation of deep-seated urban pressure.

Housing, crime, mental health problems, transportation, crowding, air pollution and inequality are but a few of the major issues of urbanization that lie beyond our consent and control. These symptoms are warning signs of a deep-rooted dilemma and a cause for action in regards to the current structure of urban development. Whereas ecology exclusively considers the environment its habitat, it is fundamental to recognise that cities are artificial habitats that consume the resources of their natural counterparts and thereby threaten their existence.